Practice languages over a coffee.

Boost your language skills in our safe virtual coffee chats designed by a polyglot, French native, certified English teacher, and educational advisor

Start your language journey


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Let's practice French & English together

Find the program that best fits your needs and budget

WinWin Kawa

An affordable way to practice your target language in a win-win exchange

  • We find your ideal language partner
  • Get access to a safe online place
  • Starting at 10$/month

Group Kawa

Practice your target language in a friendly virtual group coffee

  • Intermediate to advanced levels
  • Group of 2 to 4
  • One theme/session
  • 1 hour per week

1:1 Kawa

We design a custom learning program that fits your needs and objective

  • Suitable for all levels
    Private lessons
  • Tailored to your needs and goals
  • At your own pace

Boost your French or English skills in our safe virtual coffee chats designed by a polyglot, French native, certified English teacher, and pedagogy specialist

Informations de contact
